The following graphs show the numbers of notices of appointment published in the Gazette on a weekly basis. Therefore, they likely lag a week or so behind the actual dates of appointment. The graphs are updated each week.
Although there are very few moratoriums and restructuring plans, I thought I might as well provide graphs for those too. I have drawn the data for these from the Insolvency Service’s monthly statistics.
The figures for voluntary dissolution applications (i.e. those initiated by the company) have been drawn from the Office for National Statistics. Liquidations pale into insignificance against this population: over the past 12 months, there were over 300,000 voluntary dissolution applications but only c.33,000 liquidations (all types).
The following are the changes over Q4 2024 compared with Q4 2023:
- CVLs: 13% lower in Q4 2024
- MVLs: 92% higher (unsurprisingly given the prospects of the new Government’s first budget)
- ADMs: 6% lower
- WUCs: 1% higher
- BKYs: 15% lower
The Insolvency Service’s monthly figures are at and (and pre March-24 stats are at